Age Calculator

Imagine having a unique tool that can tell you your exact age in not only years, but also months, days, and even seconds. The name of this tool is “Age Calculator.” With your birthday, it gives you a lot of different ways to see how old you are. Like a fun way to find out how long it’s been since you were born.

Age Calculator

Age Calculator



  1. Input Section
    • Date of Birth: Allows the user to select a date using a date picker.
  2. Calculate Age Button
    • When clicked, it triggers an age calculation based on the input date of birth.
  3. Age Display
    • Displays the calculated age in various units:
      • Years
      • Months
      • Days
      • Weeks
      • Hours
      • Minutes
      • Seconds

How does Age Calculator Works (Simple Explanation)

It’s very simple to use the Age Calculator. Just tell it the date you were born. A calendar-like tool lets you choose the day, month, and year you were born. Then you press a button that says “Calculate Age.”

Find the difference between the date you were born and the date we are now. After that, it splits it up into time chunks like seconds, years, months, and even seconds. This careful work makes sure that the computer always gives you the right age. It’s like having a very good age detective!

Age is calculated as follows:

  • Age in Years: The number of years that have passed since the birth year.
  • Age in Months: The number of months that have passed since birth.
  • Age in Days: The number of days since birth.
  • Age in Weeks: The number of weeks that have passed since birth.
  • Age in Hours: The amount of time that has passed since birth.
  • Age in Minutes: The amount of time that has passed since birth.
  • Age in Seconds: The amount of time that has passed since birth.


  • You can quickly find out how old you are in different time units with the Age Calculator, which gives you correct and complete age information.

Check out our calculator.

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